Source code for gsw_py_mat.py_cmd

"""Python interface to Matlab GSW functions.
import shlex

[docs]def make_matlab_cmd(scriptname, filename, args): """Return a command to run the Matlab script :kbd:`scriptname`. :arg str scriptname: Name of the Matlab script to make the command for. :arg str filename: Name of file in which Matlab script will store its results. :arg list args: Arguments to pass to the Matlab script. :returns: Command suitable to be passed to :py:func:``. :rtype: list """ singlequote = "'" comma = ',' # add quotes to the filename mfilename = '{0}{1}{0}'.format(singlequote, filename) firstpart = '{0}('.format(scriptname) lastpart = ');exit' functioncall = firstpart + mfilename for arg in args: functioncall += comma + str(arg) functioncall += lastpart cmd = shlex.split('matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -r') cmd.append(functioncall) return cmd